Friday, May 12, 2006

Movie: Guys and Balls

Sorry, it is not a porno. Guys and Balls is an endearing true underdog story. Ecki, played by Maximilian Brückner, is the star goalie of his local football (soccer) team, aspiring to go pro. After being kicked off of the team for being gay, Ecki gets even by forming his own gay soccer team with the help of his sister, Susanne, played by Lisa Maria Potthoff.

I loved this movie. I especially love the way it tackles homophobia and embracing ones sexuality. We see in Ecki, a character who is trying to come to terms with his sexuality, while overcoming the bigotry of his parents and small-minded hometown. After being outed and kicked off of the team, Ecki seeks refuse with Susanne in the city. They have a great brother/sister bond. The opening credits is a loving tribute to their relationship as it depicts them as children throwing flour from their father’s bakery all over one another.

Susanne put her initial doubts aside and valiantly accompanies Ecki as he scouts for players at various gay bars. Although met mostly by sneers and jeers, they manage to put together a diverse team of misfits with something to prove. After getting into a compromising position at a leather bar, Ecki declares to this sister, "I don't think I’m gay after all."

Guys and Balls received top scores at many GLBT film festivals. Check this movie out, you won’t regret it. Please, love and la la.


At 11:13 AM, Blogger Fun Time Kito said...

Good, blonde characters. I can't wait to see it.

At 7:04 AM, Blogger Fun Time Kito said...

Is he gay? Sibling relationships.

I called my half-brother today. He's about three years older than me and has two little girls -- Stephanie and Alisa. The girls live with him in South Carolina and he has re-married. The girls will be in Oakland in the summer visiting their grandma and he said I could go visit them. I've only seen him a couple of times. He hasn't been back to California in six years. His mom visits him often enough.

I called, stated my name, and I started to introduce myself. He said, "I know who you are." We chatted. He asked me if I was a doctor or a lawyer. About family, kids, and letting go. And we chatted. I told him that I eat peanut butter on my waffles. He laughed and said, "so do I." Yes, I remember, the first time I met you, I say. He sounds southern now.

Then I called my brother and reminded him that our mom loves him. They don't talk -- just use words.

Sibling relationships are tough.


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