Saturday, April 29, 2006

Move: Suddenly Last Summer

Yes, I am kicking it old school. "Suddenly Last Summer" is based on a Tennesse William's play that was adapted by Gore Vidal. It stars Elizabeth Taylor as Catherine Holly, Montgomery Clift as Dr. Cukowicz and Katharine Hepburn (the most overrate actress since time immemorial) as Mrs. Violent Venable. "Suddenly" stays true to form in hollywood's treatment of homosexuals as predatory degenerates, murders, murder victims, or sucidial. Homosexuals were never the lead character; they existed only to demonstrate how psychologically twisted they were. In "Suddenly" Sebastian's name was mentioned about a million times, but we never see his face or who he was as a person. He exists only to symbolize the sterotypical homosexual. "Suddenly" impressively loads in as many obligatory homophobic motifs as any one film could in under 2 hours.

Despite all that, "Suddenly" is a brilliantly executed film. It is truly amazing and brilliantly overacted in classic hollywood style. The plot is simple: Mrs. Venable usually travels abroad every summer with her son Sebastain. On this particular summer, Sebastian takes his cousin Catherine instead to serve the role his mother served in the past. Catherine goes insane the same day Sebastian dies under mysterious circumstances. In order to cover up the truth, Mrs. Venable plans to fund a hospital building for a state asylum, if Dr. Cukrowicz performs a lobotomy on her niece Catherine.

It appears to me that most reviewers are reluctant to point to the balant homophobia of the film, because of the many homosexuals and supposedly progressives creatively involved with it. This stricts me as odd, because all the homosexuals in hollywood never stopped it's homophobia. Ever money conscious, hollywood plays to the prejudices and bigotry of the audience.

"Suddenly" is not to be missed. Like the Alamo, never forget "Birth of a Nation." Happy viewing.


At 8:14 AM, Blogger Fun Time Kito said...

I don't get it. What was Sebastian's role? I guess, I'm really asking, what was the plot, reason for the story, the event driving the story? What did they say about Sebastian? Were they planning his funeral? Or trying to figure out how he did?

At 4:50 PM, Blogger Simrose said...

I hate to give too much away, but the plot really centers around Catherine's mental illness and her aunt's preoccupation with getting her lobotomize. Of Sebastian, we know very little, only that his death caused Catherine to go insane. The big mystery is how Sebastian died. His shockingly horrific demised is revealed at the end.

At 1:12 PM, Blogger Fun Time Kito said...

Okay, I'll watch it.


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