Friday, May 12, 2006

Movie: Guys and Balls

Sorry, it is not a porno. Guys and Balls is an endearing true underdog story. Ecki, played by Maximilian Brückner, is the star goalie of his local football (soccer) team, aspiring to go pro. After being kicked off of the team for being gay, Ecki gets even by forming his own gay soccer team with the help of his sister, Susanne, played by Lisa Maria Potthoff.

I loved this movie. I especially love the way it tackles homophobia and embracing ones sexuality. We see in Ecki, a character who is trying to come to terms with his sexuality, while overcoming the bigotry of his parents and small-minded hometown. After being outed and kicked off of the team, Ecki seeks refuse with Susanne in the city. They have a great brother/sister bond. The opening credits is a loving tribute to their relationship as it depicts them as children throwing flour from their father’s bakery all over one another.

Susanne put her initial doubts aside and valiantly accompanies Ecki as he scouts for players at various gay bars. Although met mostly by sneers and jeers, they manage to put together a diverse team of misfits with something to prove. After getting into a compromising position at a leather bar, Ecki declares to this sister, "I don't think I’m gay after all."

Guys and Balls received top scores at many GLBT film festivals. Check this movie out, you won’t regret it. Please, love and la la.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Movie: Another Gay Movie

I saw “Another Gay Movie” with my new gay film aficionado in crime, Ken, at a midnight showing at the Tribeca Film festival. Check out his blog: My friend Kito calls him, “Ken the Beautiful.” Check out her blog:

“Gay Movie” is best characterized as “American Pie” meets the Farrelly brothers. It is directed by Todd Stephens, who bought us “Gypsy 83” and “Edge of Seventeen,”

In this raunchy spoof of “American Pie,” four gay recent high school graduates refuse to live with the indignity of being “butt virgins” any longer; especially, when their unfortunate state is mocked by the school’s resident “Fuzzy,” a bull dike name Muffler. Realizing that they are deserving of Muffler’s ridicule, they make a pact to do the “big A” before the end of their summer before college.

Hilarity ensures as the boys get into all sorts of embarrassing scenarios in their quest to experience the “big A.” There is one hilarious scene when they all declare themselves “tops,” when they are so obviously not. Especially Andy who, to his mother’s dismay, appears to be having a love affair with certain phallic like produces. His pet gerbils do not fair much better either. This guy could give Richard Gere a run for his money.

“Gay Movie” has one side-splitting scene after another. It is also replete of D-list/Reality TV “celebrity” cameos: Survivor’s Richard Hatch, “Celebrity” Fit Club’s Ant; and “Boy meet Boys’” Jeff Getzlaff (he was the boy who was meeting the boys).

Scott Thompson of “Kids in the Hall,” give a deadpan performance as Andy’s dad, who provides embarrassing gay birds and the bees talks to Andy and his friends. He even offers “Getting to Know your Anus” as suggested reading.

According to the director, it will be release by TLA on June, 28 this year in its unrated version. Check it out if it comes to your town. If you live in Bowdunk, USA, there is away Netflix. La la.

Mea Culpa

My profound apologies to my adoring public. I know I've been letting you down lately. I have not been blogging consistently—and for that I am truly sorry. I know you all depend on me to offer constant comments on gay movies and novels I think are worth viewing and reading. Well, all I can say is that I have not been completely neglectful. During my absence, I’ve taken the time to see a few new gay themed films I know you will all absolutely enjoy.

I also met another gay film aficionado like myself. The great news in that we will be hanging out at the 18th New York Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender Film Festival that will take place from June 1-11. Check out the website:; Hopefully, some of you will be able to make it out to the festival this year.

Peace, love and la la.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Novel: The Dreyfus Affair

"The Dreyfus Affair: A Love Story" by Peter Lefcourt is about "faggotry and miscegenation." It is quite frankly the most hilarious novel I have ever read. I literally fell off my bed laughing. The plot is simple: The very "straight" Randy Dreyfus, is a star shotstop who is perplex when, in the middle of a pennant race, he falls in love with his second baseman, DJ. Pickett. The novel is a riotous romp (I can't believe I just said that). The fact that it is about sports, makes the novel all the more appealing to me. I won't say anything else, because it is too good to give anything away.

Apparently, there is a casting call out for "The Dreyfus Affair." I've always thought it would make a great movie, and I'm more than a little miffed that I will have no part in it. What's amazing about the "Dreyfus Affair," is that the relationship is between a white man and a black man. So we will finally see a black gay guy in a lead role on screen, even if he is with a white guy. I can't wait for the historic moment when we get to see a loving black gay couple on screen as the leads--"B-Boy Blues" The Movie perhaps? Stranger things have happen--well, maybe not.

Anyway, do yourself a favor and read this novel. Laughter is good for the soul. It is good for the heart. It is as good as a workout for the body. It is good for blood vessels. A belly laugh is equivalent to an internal jog. Humor allows a person to forget about pains such as aches, arthritis, etc. It reduces stress. It's a muscle relaxer. Laughter can provide good cardiac conditioning especially for those who are unable to perform physical exercises. Laugher is the best medicine. Laugher is good for mental health. Laughter feels good-and is good for you (how many things can you say that about?). In short, this love story will add years to your life. Guaranteed or your money back. Happy Reading. La La.