As you all know by now, I went to see Edmund White read excerpts from his new autobiographical book, “My Lives.” While most of White’s books are autobiographical fiction, “My Lives” is a completely non-fictional account of his life so far. I love the way this book is structured. Instead of a linear approach, White writes about specific aspects of his life that shaped him, in away that demonstrates the circularity of life—the motifs that exist in an individual life. And the fact that a person can live many different lives in one lifetime. For example, the first chapter is My Shrinks. In that chapter, White chronicles his adventures in psychotherapy—first in hopes of curing his homosexuality, then to help him accept his gayness, then to help him mourn the loss of his partner to AIDS. Other chapters include, My Father, My Hustlers, My Women, etc. Written in simple elegant yet witty prose, “My Lives” is a real page turner.
In the question and answer segment, one of White’s former students (there were quite a few in attendance) commented on the change in his writing style. In his earlier works, of which I am most familiar, White had an elegant, lyrical yet flamboyant style that demonstrated his mastery of the written word as well as his love affair with the thesaurus. His current style is simple and easy, demonstrating that brilliance has no need for pomposity. The questioner asked which style he preferred. White said he prefers the way he writes now, because in the past he felt that as a homosexual he had more to prove. He quipped that some of his past works are so dense that even he has difficulty understanding them today.
White has a magnetic smile. He is both personable and patient. He seemed like he has exorcized most of his demons. White currently teaches at Princeton, and has taught at many other prestigious schools, including: Brown, Columbia, Yale, John Hopkins, etc. Ironically, White gave up his chance to attend Harvard in order to continue treatment for his “disease,” so committed he was to a cure. For White, nothing less than heterosexuality was acceptable. “If someone had tried to refute my horror of homosexuality I would have instantly rejected his insinuating proposal, tempting me to settle for second best. I knew that only the most insulting pity and condescension would lead someone to recommend that I surrender to my disease.” This is the guy who co-authored “The Joy of Gay Sex—An Intimate Guide for Gay Men to the Pleasures of a Gay Lifestyle;” further proof that we live many lives.
The dynamics of homosexual relationships were also broached. One woman asked about what she saw as the tragic need of some gay people to conform to normative heterosexual notions of commitment, i.e., marriage. White stated that he views gay relationships as more of a best friend type deal than a marriage per se. However, he gave value to those who wished to formalize their relationship with the State. He also voiced a phenomenon that I have also noticed. He stated that after gay couples break up, they are likely to remain friends while heterosexual tend to bitterly part ways. This made no sense to White, who does not see how two people who were so intimately intertwined, and saw value in each other, would all of a sudden despise one another. He also stated that gay couples tend not to keep their partner on as tight a leash as straight couples. I must say that this is probably due to the fact that infidelity poses a greater risk for straight couples--the fear of unwanted pregnancy stemming from antiquated notions about property rights for instance. Anyway, I was surprise to hear White say that of his friends that are in long-term committed relationship (like 30 years or more) most of them are gay. That flies in the face of conventional wisdom.
All in all, it was a nice read. I’m glad I went. I got White’s autograph – even though autographs aren’t really my thing. White also gave me the names of three new gay fiction authors he admires: Robert Hughes, Patrick Ryan, Vestal McIntyre and Barry McCrea, check them out, see what they’re all about. Happy reading.